欢迎贵子女到土桑基督徒国语教会中文学校。本校是非营利机构。 学校隶属土桑基督徒国语教会,校务会主管学校日常工作。在神的帶領下,土桑基督徒國語教會中文学校于2006年秋季终于开始开班招收学。
中文学校的成立受到社会各界广泛好评,在这里我们可以学习到中文以及中华文化。我们的办学宗旨是使在校学生逐步具备中文的 听,说,读,写能力和培养学生对中文及中华文化的兴趣。我们选用暨南大学华文学院编写的《中文》课本(修订版)。
Welcome to Tucson Christian Mandarin Church (TCMC) Chinese School. TCMC Chinese School is a nonprofit organization. Chinese School is a subsidiary of TCMC and the Chinese School board is in charge of its daily operation. Under God's direction, TCMC Chinese School started enrollment in Fall 2006.
This is the place where we learn Chinese language and culture. Our goals are to teach and improve students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the Chinese language and to cultivate students’ interests in the Chinese language, culture and traditions.
Principal 校长:
Dennis Liu 刘东
Secretary 财务:
Yi Li 李溢